You Need Practice?

Hey USMC it’s me black ops. I was thinking of a way for me to practice my aim and sniping on mc3. I am starting to play mc3 more just because I like getting the Nuke. Anyways I was realising I was missing my shots. So after you finish campaign theres a thing called Target Shooting or something along those lines. All you have to do is practice shooting the tagets by butterflying or practicing you quick scoping!! So try it out guys. Leave a comment telling me if it helped or if you have another way to get better!!

Love and Care,

Black ops

What I thought of!

Hello guys!! As you know we have been banned before… So I was thinking how can we stop this from happening. One way was to take away all mod/admin. You guys were to childish to handle that. Always getting mad about not having my mod. So I thought of listing all of the people that should admin/mod and list there user id. The user id is the number that your account was created so only you have those special numbers. So I think imma list all of the number so that we dont admin or mod anyone that is fake. All we simply have to do it check the user id.

Mmmmm Mini games

Sniperkity made a comment last night about having more fun with mini games instead of playing 1v1 or a public match. So I was thinking we should just play random mini games instead of playing pubs,1v1,..etc I beilve the thing to keep people doing something is it being fun and entertaining. So lets try to play mini games. I dont really play mc2/3 but you cans can create them. Just play fair. C ya

My Idea

Hey guys! I will try to have 1 post everyday. I will try my best to do this. Sometimes I will have nothing to say. So please leave me questions on pal or leave comments. If I dont have anything to say about mc2/3 I will probally talk about what is going on in my life. You guys can ask me questions and I will try to answer the best I can! So wish me luck!!

Thinking it up!!

Hey guys! If you are reading this I would like for you to leave a comment about what you think below. I was wondering how do you think we can get more views on our website, and get more members in our palringo chat [usmc~clan] I had ideas of just private messaging people ads, but I thought about it and I dont really like getting ads. So what do you guys think we should do?

Why you mad DK?

Hey guys its me… Yall havent heard from me in a while because of school, sports, and ps3. I was on palringo and I saw that DK was trying to ban our group [usmc~clan] and also other groups. Just to make sure NO ONE. Does any admin action. Such as mod or admin anyone. Trust me for once.

I’m Thinking

I’ve been thinking about if I should go back to sandstorm. I mostly play MW3, but it feels like USMC is not part of me anymore. So I was thinking of me playing sandstorm. My account is working now so I can “chat” like we used to. No bull crap, no chats being banned, no people being stupid with admin/mod. So I think imma talk on that a lot. That account name is USMC_FAIL_OPS. If you would like to add my play station account you may my account name is John87833. I only have mw3 so yea.. Tell me what you think!!

Love and Care,

Black Ops

What to do son?!

Hey guys it’s me again! I was just wondering should if I should unban all the people for the time we got banned. I’m not sure what you think but I believe the chat would be more active and more popular, but for it to be back to what it was we would have to get all of the members back. Just tell me what you think. I wont unban untill yall decide.

With love and care,

Black ops


Hey guys!! I was thinking about how mc3 isnt really as active as mc2 was at this time. No clan has done a clan battle in mc3 (that I know of). So I figured I would play with yall like i did in mc2. Such as: when your online i’ll ask if you wanna play and we can play. So i will try to do that more. I am getting very bussy now!! I made the high school baseball team and I practice almost everyday and dont really get home untill 6:30 so then I have to do to homework. Anyways, yall know the idea just thought I let you guys know!
Black ops

MC3 Guns, elite perks..

Hey guys I took this from trick shots a youtube commentator. I just thought I post it here because well of cource to you out. So here is the Perks that are elite and the regualr


Below this is all the equipment and so forth….


Well this is the last one… Of cource it is the gun stats probally the most inpirtant to me
